Vanderbilt offers director training for a changing corporate environment

– Former Federal Reserve Board Chairman Paul Volcker, former Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman William H. Donaldson and Chancellor of the Delaware Court of the Chancery William B. Chandler III will headline the 2005


on Oct. 6 and 7.

The program is open to directors of publicly traded companies, board secretaries, corporate officers and their advisers. It comprises a series of sessions on compensation, directors’ liability, compliance, ethics, shareholder relations and the future role of the Sarbanes-Oxley legislation on businesses, with an optional session devoted particularly to its impact on the health care industry.

The two-day director education program also will feature a session on “The Anatomy
of a Fraud,” in which directors will learn best practices for setting up an anti-fraud program and how to respond to fraudulent financial reporting. That session will be introduced by former Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) Chairman Denny Beresford and will include
presentations by forensic accounting experts.

Cost of the program, which will be held at


, is $2,600.
Registration is limited and can be completed online at, or by calling 615-322-0028.

The Vanderbilt Directors College program started in 2003 with a grant from the New York Stock Exchange Foundation. Like only a few others of its kind in the country, it was offered in response to a NYSE Corporate Accountability and Listing Standards Committee recommendation to enhance director education.

The Directors College is sponsored by the Vanderbilt Law and Business Program, a joint initiative of the law school and the Owen Graduate School of Management; King & Spalding, LLP; Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz; and the NYSE Foundation. It is accredited by Institutional Shareholder Service (ISS) as an Accredited Director Education Program.

The Owen Graduate School of Management at Vanderbilt University is ranked as a top institution by Business Week,
The Wall Street Journal
, U.S. News & World Report, Financial Times and Forbes. The Vanderbilt University Law School is ranked No. 17 in the
nation by U.S. News and World Report. For more news about Owen, visit, and for more information on the law school, go to

Media contact: Susanne Hicks, (615) 322-NEWS

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