MEDIA ADVISORY: Portable planetarium to visit Nashville Christian School

Nashville Christian School students will have a chance to explore the
field of astronomy Tuesday, Nov. 9, thanks to a visit from the
Fisk-Vanderbilt NASA Roadshow. Astronomers from Vanderbilt and Fisk
universities will bring a portable, inflatable planetarium to the
school to help teach students about the stars with the goal of
interesting them in a career in science. The planetarium and roadshow
are made possible by a grant from NASA.

The astronomers project an image of the night sky onto the
planetarium’s interior and use it to teach students about the solar
system, the constellations, Greek mythology and the nature of the stars
in a fun, educational setting. The roadshow is part of the larger Fisk
Astronomy and Space Science Training Program.

The roadshow is provided at no cost to the host school or community
organization. Schools and organizations interested in having the
roadshow visit them can submit a request online by visiting and clicking on "Roadshow & Planetarium."

Media will be able to visit the planetarium and interview astronomers, teachers and students at Nashville Christian School.

WHAT: Portable planetarium visit to Nashville Christian School

WHEN: 8:30 a.m. – 4 p.m, Tuesday, Nov. 9

WHERE: Nashville Christian School
7555 Sawyer Brown Road

Media contact: Melanie Catania, (615) 322-NEWS

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