Vanderbilt names Clark senior director of Human Resources

download a high resolution photo click here. NASHVILLE, Tenn.ó Agenia Clark has been named senior director of Human Resources at Vanderbilt University. Clark, who previously was a director with Nortel Networks, began work at Vanderbilt June 2. Her responsibilities include payroll, budget, insurance cost recovery, claims adjustment and the benefits appeals process.

"Agenia has a very diverse background in both the non-profit and profit sectors," said Vanderbilt’s Chief Human Resource Officer Kevin Myatt. "We’re pleased to have her join the HR team and are looking forward to her sharing her experiences."

Clark worked for 12 years in human resources at Nortel Networks in Nashville. Earlier she worked as a marketing associate for Pepsi-Cola in Somers, N.Y., as a news anchor and producer for WBIR-TV in Knoxville and as a reporter for WIVK Radio in Knoxville.

Her volunteer work has included service on the advisory council of the University of Tennessee College of Business and the boards of the Community Foundation of Women’s Fund, the Girl Scout Council of Cumberland Valley and the Tri-Star/HCA Hospitals. In 1996 she was INROADs adviser of the year. In 2001 she was the Girl Scout Council’s nominee for the Athena Award, which is given annually to recognize women of achievement.

Clark said she was attracted to the Vanderbilt position because of "the reputation of the institution in the academic world and within the medical community."

She said she also was excited by the new energy that Myatt has brought to the department since his arrival earlier this year and his efforts to build on the department’s existing strengths.

Noting that the Vanderbilt department received the 2003 Human Resources Excellence Award from the Nashville Area Chamber of Commerce and the Middle Tennessee Society of Human Resources Managers, Myatt said the hiring of Clark is part of "our strategy Ö to continue to strive for that level of excellence."

Clark holds a bachelor of science in communications and an MBA from the University of Tennessee

Media contact: Emily Pearce, (615) 322-NEWS

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