Randy Smith named Vanderbilt associate vice chancellor for alumni relations

November 15, 2002

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Randy Smith, who has headed Vanderbilt’s regional fund-raising efforts for the past three years, will become the University’s associate vice chancellor for alumni relations Dec. 2, according to Robert Early, executive associate vice chancellor for Development and Alumni Relations.

Smith, who holds two degrees from Vanderbilt, began his career at the University in 1996 as director of alumni education and travel. He later served as assistant director of development for the Divinity School before being named director of regional development. In that capacity, he oversaw the activities of staff who travel across the country seeking financial support for the University’s mission and serving as alumni relations representatives.

As part of a reorganization of the University’s fund-raising and alumni relations functions last August, he became associate vice chancellor with responsibility for principal gifts, regional development, planned giving and the parents campaign. 

In addition to alumni relations, in his new role Smith will oversee the University’s regional development efforts, Reunion activities and the annual fund.

Smith, who received a bachelor of arts in 1984 and a master of divinity in 1988 from Vanderbilt, said his first job at the University as director of alumni education and travel helped him realize “how crucial it is to connect alumni with the Vanderbilt of today.  We’ll be looking for ways to increase the connections between Vanderbilt and its alumni — through programming that speaks to all ages and a variety of interests, through opportunities to provide volunteer leadership to Vanderbilt and through making the case that Vanderbilt continues to merit alumni financial support.  It’s going to be a lot of fun, and I’m looking forward to it.”

Before joining Vanderbilt in 1996, Smith was a pastor for seven years in Jackson, Tenn., and Kansas City, Mo., in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).

Contact: Elizabeth Latt, 615-322-NEWS, elizabeth.p.latt@vanderbilt.edu

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