NASHVILLE, Tenn.—“Alternate Visions,” an exhibit by the artists of Minds Wide Open, a program of The Arc of the Bluegrass, Inc., is on display in the foyer of the John F. Kennedy Center/MRL Building on Vanderbilt’s Peabody College campus through Sept. 30.
The Arc of the Bluegrass Inc. has provided services for people with developmental disabilities in Lexington, Ky., for 45 years. The non-profit organization contributes an alternative vocational and rehabilitation program to the Lexington community. The programs offer people with mental retardation the opportunity to choose and realize goals related to learning, living, working and playing. Among The Arc’s programs is the Minds Wide Open art center.
The center offers creative outlets for self-expression and opportunities to participate in the larger community, resulting in the artists becoming effective self-advocates and active citizens. An open studio is available, as well as summer classes for children with and without disabilities and their families. Artists choose from visual, performing and literary arts, and are encouraged to work as independently as possible. For more information about Minds Wide Open, visit their web site at
Some of the works can be viewed on the Kennedy Center’s web site,
The exhibit paintings are available for sale.
Visitors are invited to view the exhibit Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Sponsored by the Kennedy Center, “Alternate Visions” is one of a series of artwork exhibits by or about people with disabilities. Vanderbilt University’s Kennedy Center is a national center for research dedicated to unlocking the mysteries of development and learning.
For information on the exhibit, call 322-8240.