Join your colleagues and family members for annual Employee Tailgate Sept. 10

Vanderbilt employees and their families are invited to the annual Employee Tailgate on Saturday, Sept. 10, at noon before the game against MTSU. Game and tailgate tickets are free but must be reserved in advance. (Daniel Dubois / Vanderbilt)

Vanderbilt employees and their families are invited to an exclusive pregame tailgate party Saturday, Sept. 10, at noon, followed by the Vanderbilt vs. MTSU football game at 3 p.m. The annual Employee Tailgate will be held at Recreation Field #1 and will feature food, games, a DJ and fun. A Vanderbilt ID is required for admission.

Online ticket registration for the football game and pregame tailgate party will begin Aug. 26. The online form will be published on the Tailgate 2016 website on Aug. 26. Tickets are free to employees and their families but must be reserved in advance. A limited number of tickets are available, and each employee may reserve up to four tickets. Please register in advance even if you plan to go to the pregame tailgate party only.

Football tickets will be available for pickup at the pregame tailgate event only on the day of the event, Sept. 10; there is no early pickup. Employees must present a Vanderbilt ID to receive tickets. Any reserved tickets not claimed by 2:45 p.m. on Sept. 10 will be made available on a first-come, first-served basis starting at 2:45 p.m. until 3 p.m. Employees are encouraged to show their black and gold to receive a free ticket. Free tickets will not be given to anyone wearing blue and white or the MTSU logo.

All game attendees, regardless of age, must have a ticket to enter the stadium. Free parking for the event will be available in the West Garage on Children’s Way. No parking will be available adjacent to the field.

More information, including a PDF of a parking permit, will be posted on the Tailgate 2016 website in the coming weeks.

Download a flier to post in your area.