Vandy Cooks Feb. 12: Heart-healthy desserts

February is American Heart Month. To celebrate, the Vanderbilt Recreation and Wellness Center (VRWC) and Health Plus present “Vandy Cooks: Heart-Healthy Desserts” with Executive Chef George Moran on Feb. 12 from noon to 1 p.m. in the VRWC Demonstration Kitchen.

Join Chef Moran as he cooks heart-healthy desserts, utilizing products for a diet that’s lower in fat. Sample dishes created by him, and take home recipes.

Moran, who is executive chef at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, has more than 20 years of culinary experience. Growing up in the Northeast, he was influenced by the Irish and Italian cuisines that surrounded him. Moran is as passionate about serving people as he is about serving high-quality foods. A winner of the “Heroes of Everyday Life” award for his work in fighting hunger in his community, he has spent time during the past three summers doing missionary work in Southeast Asia. He and his wife have three children.

The Vandy Cooks demonstrations are offered monthly to celebrate healthy eating at Vanderbilt. The demonstration kitchen is located on the first floor of the Recreation and Wellness Center.

Contact: Marilyn C. Holmes, (615) 343-2638