Teaching seminar Oct. 6: Make Blackboard work for you

concept imageThis month DigitalVU will host the Center for Teaching‘s Stacey Johnson for an interactive tips-and-tricks seminar about getting the most out of Blackboard.

Blackboard, formerly “OAK,” can be useful tool in managing courses and enhancing student learning. In this presentation, Johnson will discuss some of the changes to Blackboard over the last year that have made it more reliable and useful than ever.

In addition, Johnson will walk through a few of Blackboard’s most commonly used features, including a few new ones that have been added this year, like rubrics and integrated SafeAssign. Bring your laptop because participants will have the opportunity to go into a live course and experiment with one of its coolest new features, the Kaltura media tool.

Johnson is an assistant director of the Center for Teaching and her research interests include adult language learning, problem-based learning, mobile technology in the classroom, and hybrid language instruction. Her role with CFT is to support Vanderbilt instructors as they explore how Blackboard and other online learning platforms can be more effectively used to enhance student learning.

RSVPs are limited to the first 20 responders, at which point there will be a waitlist.

  • When: Tuesday, October 6, 12-1 p.m.
  • Where: Center for Teaching classroom, 1114 19th Avenue South, 3rd floor
  • RSVP: Let us know if you plan to attend
  • Parking: See the Center for Teaching page for more information