‘Future of College Athletics’ kicks off Chancellor’s Town Halls series

Chancellor Nicholas S. Zeppos (Vanderbilt University)

Chancellor Nicholas S. Zeppos will host the first in a series of town hall meetings for faculty on Friday, Sept. 18.

“The Future of College Athletics” will be the topic of discussion from 9:10 to 11 a.m. in Vanderbilt Law School’s Flynn Auditorium. Vice Chancellor for University Affairs and Athletics, Athletics Director and Professor of Law David Williams and Vice Chancellor, General Counsel and University Secretary Audrey Anderson will present, followed by an open forum including questions.

Future town hall meetings are scheduled for the following dates and times:

  • Tuesday, Oct. 13, 9:10–11 a.m.
  • Friday, Nov. 6, 2:10–4 p.m.
  • Tuesday, Dec. 1, 2:10–4 p.m.

Topics and locations will be announced prior to the meetings.