Diabetes research funding available

The Vanderbilt Diabetes Center, the Vanderbilt Diabetes Research and Training Center, and the Vanderbilt Center for Diabetes Translation Research announce the availability of pilot and feasibility grants in the following areas:

  • Translational or behavioral science research  (Type II translational research) related to diabetes or obesity. This grant mechanism is open to junior faculty members, investigators from other fields wishing to bring their expertise to diabetes- or obesity-related research, and investigators currently conducting diabetes-related research who are proposing a new research direction. For the purpose of this announcement, Type II translation is defined as research focused on translating interventions/ approaches that have clearly demonstrated efficacy into real-world health care settings, communities and populations at risk. Learn more.
  • Basic or clinical research related to diabetes, metabolism or obesity. This grant mechanism is open to junior faculty members, investigators from other fields wishing to bring their expertise to diabetes- or obesity-related research, and investigators currently conducting diabetes-related research who are proposing a new research direction. Learn more.
  • Diabetes- or obesity-related pilot studies that utilize one of these Vanderbilt resources: VICB High-Throughput Screening  Facility, BioVU or the Mass Spectrometry Research Center. This grant mechanism is open to any Vanderbilt faculty member. Learn more.

The deadline for applications for all three types of pilot and feasibility grants is Jan. 5, 2015, at 11:59 p.m. CDT. Printed copies of applications may be delivered any time the week of Jan. 5. Investigators can apply to one or more funding mechanisms. The monies allocated will be $30,000-50,000 per year for one to two years as decided by the application review panel. The grant template and additional program information are available at the websites above.

A budget is not submitted until the project is funded.

Contact: Deborah Caplenor Brown, (615) 322-7990