Faculty Senate meeting minutes for November available online

(John Russell/Vanderbilt)

Minutes from the Vanderbilt Faculty Senate’s Nov. 7 meeting are now available online on the Faculty Senate website.

At the Nov. 7 meeting, senators Kathryn Anderson, Mark Cannon, Claire Smrekar and Myrna Wooders submitted a revised version of the Faculty Senate resolution regarding student safety and security. More specifically, the revised resolution recommends that:

  • All faculty senators participate in the Vanderbilt University Personal Empowerment Through Self Awareness (VU PETSA) training module for faculty;
  • The senate join in a formal partnership with Vanderbilt’s Green Dot Program by having one Faculty Senate representative per year serve on the Green Dot committee;
  • Existing university task forces that deal with issues related to personal violence and sexual assault report their findings to the Faculty Senate at least once per year; and
  • All academic departments be encouraged to join in formal discussions with designated student advocates and student affairs staff for the purpose of better understanding the issues associated with sexual assault and providing appropriate, high-quality support for sexual assault survivors.

The motion was adopted after debate.

In addition, Mike Zimmerman, program coordinator in the Office of the University Chaplain and Religious Life, and Kayce Matthews, associate director of the Margaret Cuninggim Women’s Center, gave a report on the Green Dot program.

Read the full November meeting minutes here.

For more information about the senate, upcoming meetings or to find the senators who serve your school, visit the Faculty Senate website.

Contact: Andrea Hewitt, (615) 343-3841