Watch a video sneak peek of Warren and Moore colleges

Construction on Warren and Moore colleges, which expand Vanderbilt’s residential college model to central campus, is nearing completion. Workers are making finishing touches to the buildings that will house equal numbers of sophomores, juniors and seniors beginning in August 2014.

Recently, students got a sneak peek at some of the rooms and suites before entering a housing lottery to be the first to live in the newest residential options at the university.

Led by Faculty Directors Doug Fisher, associate professor of computer science and computer engineering, and Jim Lovensheimer, associate professor of musicology, Warren and Moore continue the experience that begins at The Martha Rivers Ingram Commons, a living-learning community for first-year students. Like The Ingram Commons, Warren and Moore will convey the ambience of a small college community while still affording students an education at a world-class research university with a wide variety of undergraduate academic programs.

View photos below of Warren and Moore colleges (click a photo to view a more detailed description of each space)