Deadline extended! Weigh in for Hold the Stuffing until Nov. 27

Health Plus invites you to control the typical holiday weight gain by taking the annual Hold the Stuffing challenge.

Last year 1,390 faculty and staff members participated in the challenge, and of the 804 individuals who returned for the post-holiday weigh-in, 90 percent (724 individuals) met the challenge’s goal by either losing weight or maintaining their weight within two pounds. The average weight loss was 1.23 pounds for a grand total of 890.5 pounds lost.

Hold the Stuffing participants will receive tips for success, and those who maintain their weight (no more than two pounds over) will be entered into a drawing for one of 10 $50 gift cards to Barnes & Noble at Vanderbilt.

Weigh in by Wednesday, Nov. 27, at Health Plus or Occupational Health.

Did you know that you can request a do-it-yourself Hold the Stuffing tool kit and hold your own weigh-in for your department? Contact Health Plus for details.

Health Plus is part of Faculty and Staff Health and Wellness.