Best practices for the use of the massive online open courseware platform Coursera will be discussed at a seminar from 1 to 5 p.m. June 24 in Room 189 of the Sarratt Student Center at Vanderbilt University.
The program, Coursera-in-TN, is a collaborative conversation between the Vanderbilt University Coursera team and Tennessee state system schools that recently joined Coursera. During this afternoon event, Vanderbilt administrators, faculty, and staff share lessons learned from the early days of Coursera production. Topics to be covered will be an overview of Coursera, course design issues, faculty lessons learned, managing production and more.
The seminar will include presentations and representatives from Vanderbilt, the Tennessee Higher Education Commission, the University of Tennessee and the Tennessee Board of Regents. It is open to the public.
Please contact Cynthia Cyrus, associate provost for undergraduate education, for more information.
Visit the Digital Learning website for more information about Vanderbilt’s use of digital learning platforms.