Additional volunteers are needed Oct. 17 and 18 to assist with this year’s Flulapalooza, where Vanderbilt University and Medical Center faculty, staff, students and volunteers can quickly receive their flu vaccination during a mass flu vaccination plan.
While exempt employees are encouraged to participate as volunteers, non-exempt employees also can participate in this event. All volunteers should receive prior approval from their supervisor before volunteering for a three-hour shift.
Supervisors and managers should be aware that the volunteer time approved for the event will be compensated from the employee’s department and not through the Flulapalooza event.
To volunteer, click here.
Flulapalooza will be held Wednesday, Oct. 17, from 6 a.m. to 1 p.m., and Thursday, Oct. 18, from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. in a large tent erected between Light Hall and Veteran’s Administration Hospital. The free shots are available for all faculty, staff, students and volunteers. Family members will not be included in this event.
For maximum efficiency during the event, please wear short sleeves and present your Vanderbilt ID badge. Supervisors should stagger staff participation.
Also, the Occupational Health Clinic is now offering flu shots at a variety of locations and times. To see a schedule, visit the OHC website.