SECURITY NOTICE: Attempted robbery on campus

On Monday, July 30, at 9 p.m., a female student was walking from Central Library on 21st Avenue South to her residence hall on the Peabody College campus. When she entered parking lot 96 on Edgehill Avenue (across from the University School of Nashville), she was approached from behind by a black male, who threw her to the ground and attempted to take her purse. The student began to scream and fight back. A witness heard the noise and came to investigate, and the black male ran from the area and was last seen fleeing north on 21st Avenue South.

Description: The suspect was described as a black male, 5’10”, 150 pounds, 20-25 years old with a dark complexion and short hair and wearing a purple shirt and denim shorts.

If you have information relating to this or a similar incident, please call the Vanderbilt University Police Department at (615) 322-2745. If you wish to remain anonymous, call Nashville Crime Stoppers at (615) 742-7463.

Risk Reduction Tips

  • Scan the area before you exit or approach your vehicle or building and while you proceed between sites.
  • Have your key ready in hand to quickly access the door of your vehicle or building.
  • Avoid isolated or dark areas.
  • Travel with confidence and purpose.
  • If strangers approach, maintain a distance and be observant; if they are in a vehicle, get the license plate number.
  • Stay alert and trust your instincts. If you feel uneasy, leave. Go to a safe location and notify VUPD.
  • Avoid going to ATMs alone, after dark or if suspicious persons are nearby.
  • Know the location of emergency phones.
  • Stay alert and plan ahead for “What if?” situations.

Please remember these on-campus resources:

  • Psychological and Counseling Center, (615) 322-2571
  • Employee Assistance Program, (615) 936-1327
  • Student Health Services, (615) 322-2427
  • Margaret Cuninggim Women’s Center, (615) 322-4843
  • Project Safe, (615) 322-1333

Report suspicious persons, vehicles or activities immediately. In an emergency, dial 911 or use a blue light phone. From a cell phone, dial (615) 421-1911.

Contact: Vanderbilt University Police Department, (615) 322-2745

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