Free activities offered on National Employee Health and Fitness Day May 16

Employees enjoy a free fitness class at Health Plus (Steve Green/Vanderbilt University)

National Employee Health and Fitness Day, dedicated to increasing awareness of the many options for being physically active at work, is Wednesday, May 16.

Activities planned for the Vanderbilt campus include something for everyone:

  • Boost your daily activity with the One Day Challenge. Do this anywhere or anytime.
  • Check your height, weight and blood pressure. Know Your Numbers locations will be offered all week long.
  • Get a healthy Breakfast on the Go at one of four locations.
  • Relieve stress and have fun with Zumba on the Lawn.
  • Form a team and compete against your colleagues in the Walking Relay.
  • Take a late-day Three-Mile Fun Run.
  • Try any or all of the six mini-classes offered during the Group Fitness Superclass.

Get all the details on the Health Plus website.