SECURITY NOTICE: Armed robbery off campus

On Sunday, Jan. 22, at 8:01 p.m., Metro Nashville Police requested the assistance of Vanderbilt University Police regarding an armed robbery at the Jack-in-the-Box restaurant at 2008 West End Ave. Employees there reported that a suspect entered the restaurant and ordered them to the rear of the business at gunpoint. After taking money, the suspect fled the area.

Description: The suspect was described as a black male, approximately 5’5”-5’6”, 150 pounds with a thin build. He was wearing all black clothing with a black bandana covering his nose and mouth. The suspect was armed with a silver or chrome pistol. His direction of escape is not known.

If you have information relating to this or a similar incident, please call the Vanderbilt University Police Department at (615) 322-2745. If you wish to remain anonymous, call Nashville Crime Stoppers at (615) 742-7463.

Risk Reduction Tips

  • Scan the area before you exit or approach your vehicle/building and while you proceed between sites.
  • If strangers approach, maintain a distance and be observant; if they are in a vehicle, get the license plate number.
  • Stay alert and trust your instincts. If you feel uneasy, leave. Go to a safe location and notify VUPD.
  • Avoid going to ATMs alone, after dark or if suspicious persons are nearby.
  • Know the location of emergency phones.
  • Stay alert and plan ahead for “What if?” situations.

Please remember these on-campus resources:

  • Psychological and Counseling Center, (615) 322-2571
  • Employee Assistance Program, (615) 936-1327
  • Student Health Services, (615) 322-2427
  • Margaret Cuninggim Women’s Center, (615) 322-4843
  • Project Safe, (615) 322-1333

Report suspicious persons, vehicles or activities immediately. In an emergency, dial 911 or use a blue light phone. From a cell phone, dial (615) 421-1911.

Contact: Vanderbilt University Police Department, (615) 322-2745

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