Check out Community Connections

Vanderbilt is a pretty cool place to work – filled with interesting people with a variety of interests.  With such amazing resources, why not share them?  That’s why Community Connections was created.

This program is a grassroots collaborative initiative from USAC, MCSAC and Employee Celebration.  Our goal is to bring Vanderbilt staff (both University and VUMC) together – providing opportunities for personal enrichment, exploring common areas of interest, learning new skills and making connections across the University as a whole.  Take a peek at our website

We are just starting out and are taking our first baby steps but we have big dreams. There are so many ways we can share experiences – a traditional class room is not the only option.   There are seminars, book groups, clubs focused on specific hobbies or interests, groups where employees meet together to work on life issues and support each other.  There are some examples of all of this scattered throughout Vanderbilt but imagine what we could do if we put our minds to it and got focused!

We want to hear from you!  Let us know what you are interested in, how you want to learn, what you want to share, groups you want to form.  Our goal is to find ways to connect people with shared interests.  Contact us at